An investigation of what we see - when we see – and what we unconsciously choose not to see.
more... The series “System 2” is an investigation of what we see - when we see – and what we unconsciously choose not to see.
The title refers to the behavioural researcher and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s model for the perceptual systems of the brain: System 1 and System 2. The automatic System 1 has the function of quickly and directly giving us an idea of the context we are in – based on our earlier experiences. System 1 enables us to act intuitively and energy efficiently in the world. “That notice means ‘closed’ – I am familiar with the meaning of ‘closed’ – so I do not expend more thinking activity / energy on that shop”…
The conscious, but much smaller System 2 comes into play when we encounter the unknown, deficient or complex. System 2, it is true, is much slower than System 1, but it has the ability to analyse, focus and create new knowledge that System 1 can use in future. “This chair looks very lopsided – let me see whether if it has other indications of abnormality that mean one should not sit on it.”
By obstructing System 1’s automatic features I try to get us to look at what we overlook at first glance.