L’empreinte (the trace) can be seen as a personal and contemplative diary, growing through the years & family travels.
more... L’empreinte (the trace), started in 2005, can be seen as a personal and contemplative diary, growing through the years & family travels. Lover, and now father and son, repeatedly anchored in the middle of a “new found land”, are meditating the horizon, facing and probing the space opening or closing before them. They reign in my images by their immutable and lonely presence. They inhabit & belong to the landscape and to my gaze, inextricably linked. Their ephemeral kingdom is this silent stage both urban and natural (sometimes out of our scope) which surrounds them, absorbs or outlines them. Their loneliness refers both to my desire of intimacy and sanctuarization. Like a love ritual, I immortalize their trace on earth. Yes, we were here, at that time. Though, we don’t really know anything about them. Who they are, where they go, and even where they are. Anonymous and timeless silhouettes in deserted places. What interests me is their body-language, and how they imprint both the places we encountered and my memories of them. Also how the viewer, kept at distance, can perceive and project himself or fantasize those scenes = how a personal memory can echo and leaves room to an other.