more... On 10 April 2010 in tragic plane crash in Russia President of Poland
Lech Kaczynski has died along with 95 other top government officials.
By many it is considered to be the nation's worst disaster since World
War Two. After the tragedy several hypothesis surfaced as of reasons
of the crash, one of them even claims that the crash had been in fact
political assassination plotted by both Russian and Polish government
officials. The event resulted in huge polarisation of Polish society and it
is believed to play prominent role in Polish politics for many years to
Thousands of people gather in front of Presidential Palace in Warsaw
each year to commemorate the crash and pay tribute to the victims. The
photographs tell the story of the ordinary people of all age, different
social layers, and coming from all kinds of backgrounds gathered in one
place, one day each year. I had decided to focus on individuals in order
to construct collective picture of the event. This way the project offers
a glimpse into Polish society in untraditional and unexpected way.